Ways to Clean Your Mesh Office Chairs

If you sit for long hours in your office chair, the chances of accidental spills from various items, such as drinks, ink, and food, are highly likely. Aside from this, office chairs also accumulate dust, stains, and other particles that can affect their efficiency.

This can result in discomfort which essentially counters the function of your office chair. In this case, you’ll need to clean it. However, the way to properly clean an office chair depends on its fabric.

In this case, mesh office chairs are different from leather office chairs since the former is more complicated to clean due to its breathable fabric. So, if you plan to clean your office mesh chair, you should consider simply using water for it.

Let’s get into the nitty-gritty of how to clean office chair and maintain it.

Things You’ll Need

Before you begin, you’ll need to prepare a few items. They are as follows:

  • Warm water
  • Stain remover
  • Liquid soap
  • Microfiber cloths
  • Cleaning rags
  • Washing bowl
  • Dishtowel
  • Disinfectant
  • A vacuum cleaner with a brush, brush attachments, and dustpan

How to Clean Mesh Ergonomic Office Chair

Disclaimer: These cleaning steps apply only to chairs with generic mesh materials. Ergomeister’s chairs use open mesh materials, making them a lot easier to clean and maintain. For that purpose, you can check out our aftercare page for more info on how to maintain an Ergomeister mesh chair.

Step 1. Use a Vacuum Cleaner

The first thing you need to do is use your vacuum cleaner to remove the dust and debris from your chair. While mesh makes you feel comfortable and cool, the tiny holes in the fabric tend to collect crumbs, dust, and debris.

To remove these, you need to lightly run the hose attachment of your vacuum cleaner through the mesh and crevices of your chair. This is essential since you need to remove all the dirt and residue on your mesh chair before proceeding to the second step.

Step 2. Use Your Rug to Clean the Mesh

After you have dismantled the removable components of your chair, you need to use your clean rag and liquid soap to wash the parts separately. For this, you only need to place a minimal amount of liquid soap on your rag and place it in the heated water.

Then, wring out the residual water from the rag and gently wipe your chair’s parts. However, make sure to read the manufacturer’s instructions so that these parts can be cleaned using water.

Step 3. Get Rid of Hard-to-Clean Stains

Some stains, including ink or coffee stains, can be too tough to be cleaned with only soap and water. For these kinds of stains, you can do spot cleaning using your microfiber cloth and stain remover.

However, a mesh office chair Singapore might become discolored or damaged from some stain removers. That is why it is essential to read the manufacturer’s manual or test it on a patch of mesh fabric before you clean your chair using the solution.

After you have determined the safety of using your stain remover on your mesh office chair, you can spritz it on the areas with stains. It’s best to allow it to soak while putting gentle pressure on the stain using a microfiber cloth.

It’s best to do this gently to remove the blot and not cause damage to the mesh. Nevertheless, if there are no stubborn stains on your chair, then this isn’t necessary.

Step 4. Clean the Main Part of Your Chair

After washing the mesh parts and getting rid of the stains, it is time to clean the central part of your chair with a safe and high-quality disinfectant. Again, it’s best to check the manufacturer’s instructions to ensure that your disinfectant won’t damage your chair’s mesh material.

If it’s safe for your mesh chair, you can lightly spray the disinfectant on the main body and wipe it down gently using a cloth.

Likewise, you can also combine heated water and soap if a suitable disinfectant for your chair is unavailable. Lastly, clean hard-to-reach areas with a q-tip soaked in heated water.

Step 5. Clean the Accessories and Framework

After the central part, it is time to clean the accessories or attachments of your chair. In this case, you can use the same disinfectant or warm water and soap solution to clean the seat pads, headrest, armrests, wheels, supporting frame, and base.

Aside from this, you can also use a portable vacuum cleaner to clean the headrest if it has a fabric cover to remove the dust. You can then clean it with liquid soap and a microfiber cloth.

Additional Tips to Properly Maintain Your Mesh Office Chairs

In general, you’d want to make sure that your chair looks good after cleaning it. In that case, it’s possible to keep your chair clean for an extended period by following some of these tips.

First, refrain from eating at your desk. After all, having snacks or drinks while working can cause stains or food particle buildup on your chair. In this case, you can visit a nearby cafe, eat, and drink there.

Alternatively, you can choose a particular spot in your workplace where you can enjoy your snacks or beverages if you can’t go out. However, it’s ideal if this space can be cleaned easily.

Another tip for maintaining your mesh chair is to clean it regularly. In this case, you can lightly clean your chair every day for 10 minutes or on a weekly basis.

Doing so guarantees that your chair is clean longer because the accumulation of grime, dust, and other debris is prevented.

The Key Takeaway

While it’s essential to keep your mesh office chair clean, it’s also vital to ensure that you get a lasting and easy-to-maintain office chair. For this, you can check out our chairs at Ergomeister.

Our mesh office chairs at Ergomeister are not only known for the comfort they provide but also for their durability and easy maintenance.

One key difference is that our chairs use open mesh, contrary to the standard mesh materials in most mesh chairs. This means that they won’t trap any dirt, dust, debris, or oil, making them a lot easier to clean. Due to their build, they can guarantee an excellent level of comfort without requiring a lot of maintenance, unlike standard mesh chars.

We’re one of the best office chair providers in Singapore, so rest assured that our office mesh chairs can last a long time, especially with proper maintenance and care.

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